1 | Heather Aziz

Investigation of binge-like ethanol drinking on glutamatergic transmission onto D1R+ MSNs in the shell of the nucleus accumbens from male and female mice

2 | Cecilia Borghese

Modulation of α1β3ɣ2 GABA-A receptors using a tethered propofol photoswitch

3 | Eric Brenner

Single cell transcriptomics: defining cell types and states in the human alcoholic brain

4 | Desirè Buckley

Differentially sensitive neuronal subpopulations in the central nervous system and the formation of hindbrain heterotopias in ethanol exposed Zebrafish

5 | Avery Campos

Coping motives as a mediator between unmet social aspirations and problem drinking after college

6 | Blaine Caslin

Alcohol consumption leads to sex-specific disease amelioration in a mouse model of MS

7 | Ashish Chowdary

Using the Iowa gambling task to predict disease heterogeneity in bipolar patients

8 | Emma Erickson

Astrocyte calcium signaling regulates alcohol drinking and related behaviors

9 | Josh Everson

Multifactorial inputs to craniofacial disorders

10 | Laura Ferguson

Terreic acid brain gene expression effects: implications for gene mapping approaches for AUD treatment discovery

11 | Emily Grantham

N-acylethanolamines in alcohol use disorder: using gut bacteria as a therapeutic delivery system

12 | Saul Jaime

Intravenous ethanol administration alters extracellular norepinephrine concentration in the mesocortical and extended amygdala systems of male Long-Evans rats

13 | Dylan Kirsch

Childhood maltreatment and associated prefrontal-paralimbic gray matter volume and alcohol use in young adults with familial risk for bipolar disorder

14 | Cole Maguire

Moderate alcohol consumption affects the gut microbiome in a murine multiple sclerosis model

15 | Rajani Maiya

Differential regulation of excessive alcohol consumption by the transcriptional regulator LMO4

16 | Julia Martz

Sex differences in cocaine-induced ultrasonic vocalizations are modulated by the mPOA

17 | Kim Nixon

Neural stem cells & microglia: Elucidating novel mechanisms of damage and recovery in models of alcohol use disorders

18 | Han Runhua

Multiple small RNAs interact to co-regulate ethanol tolerance in Zymomonas mobilis

19 | Valeria Tretyak

Subjective response to alcohol in young adults with bipolar disorder and associated orbitofrontal gray matter volume and alcohol use